Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another favorite song . . .

About a week ago I posted the lyrics of a Casting Crowns song and a link to the video on Youtube. I hope you all enjoyed it. I also mentioned that there is another CC song that I really enjoy and I thought I would take the time to share it with you today.

Let me give some background: A year ago in July we lost a baby girl, whom we named Donette, while I was about 6 months pregnant. As you can imagine, that trial hit us pretty hard. God was good to us throughout it all, and we have grown because of it, but there are still moments that I mourn the loss. In fact, last week was my birthday and I was running a thousand errands for a shower I was hosting, and one of them took me to the area where she was laid to rest. I stopped for a moment at her grave, thought about her and how I wish I could hold her again, and then thanked God for her short life and went on my way. It was no coincidence that this song played on the radio shortly thereafter. I share the lyrics here and the video here:
(the video isn't made by the band, it is just pictures to the song)
Praise you in the Storm
I was sure by now/that you would have reached down/and wiped our tears away/stepped in and saved the day/But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls/I barely hear you whisper through the rain/"I'm with you"/And as your mercy falls/I raise my hands and praise the God who gives/and takes away

chorus I'll praise you in this storm/and I will lift my hands/for you are who you are/no matter where I am/Every tear I've cried/you hold in your hand/you never left my side/and though my heart is torn/I will praise you in this storm

I remember when/I stumbled in the wind/you heard my cry/you raised me up again/my strength is almost gone/how can I carry on/if I can't find you?

I lift my eyes unto the hills/where does my help come from?/my help comes from the Lord/the maker of heaven and earth.

This song was quoted on my friend's blog, Ed, when he was battling cancer. He went home to Heaven this summer, and this song brought me some comfort again as I mourned his passing.

I am fully aware that songs are not Scripture. We can't look to them for all of our comfort when we need to look to Christ. However, God made us with a heart that responds to music (which is why is can be such a powerful tool for good or evil) and when the lyrics point out attributes of God that we need to be reminded of, it can serve as a tool to keep us Cross-centered. I appreciate this song for that.


Gretchen said...

This is one of my very favorite songs. I think it is scriptural because the lyrics contain such a proper response to the sovereignty of God. It WILL storm. But we can CHOOSE to praise Him in the midst of it.

The other song that is a bit like this that I like is "Blessed Be the Name" by Tree63. The words of the chorus are taken straight from Job.
Do you know that one? I felt like I've heard it a million times right when I need it.

Gretchen said...

That reminds me. . . remember when you and I talked about raising our hands in chapel sometime before we graduated from MBBC? Oh, we thought we were SO cutting edge!! Hee hee!

I can't imagine NOT raising my hands now! :)

Gretchen said...

Nett- Your comment thing is broken on your most recent post.

I have been trying to respond to EXACTLY what I have been thinking about voting!!

I am SO sick of American Christians thinking that the cause of Christ depends on who is in the White House or in control of Washington! I HATE listening to Dobson anymore because he ONLY talks about political things, and they are all so NEGATIVE!

As a former government teacher who used to be HARD CORE into campaigning, etc, I want to say: pray, vote, and then get on with life. We honor the king, but our nation is not Christendom itself. There is a whole BIG world out there in which our Almighty God is willing and working and doing amazing things despite the tyrants who sit on the throne. Let's stop being so ego and ethno-centric!

Do you know the Derek Webb song: King and a Kingdom? I bet you can find his stuff on U-Tube or somewhere if you don't. One line says "My first allegience is not to the flag, to a country or a king, but to a King and a Kingdom!"

Great post -- I've been thinking the same thing about the Haggert thing. And I didn't know who he was until this happened either!

Anonymous said...

Not a bad song. Thanks for sharing. Here is one for ya. It's not religious by any means, but I like it. They'll play this video at my funeral. :-)