Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Great Intentions

I've had so many ideas for posts. They float around my head, forming themselves into sentence fragments and partially completed paragraphs, only to get shoved out with important information like, "I need to add bleach to my shopping list."

So my blog had deteriorated into cute anecdotes of my kids and pictures. Not that there's anything wrong with blogs like that, it's just not the only thing I intended for my blog.

Maybe one day I'll have the perfect combination for blogging: a quiet moment and a focused brain. I'm not holding out for one soon. In fact, this morning I was contemplating a post (focused brain) while the kids were still sleeping (quiet moment) when the magic was killed by Alli when she came downstairs complaining that she was "very poopy." I instructed her to get a pair of undies and wipes from her room. She disappeared upstairs and returned a moment later with the aforementioned undies, 2 dolls, a pillow and a tiny plastic pooh-bear figure. She forgot the wipes. So I sent her back to the bathroom to get wipes and she returned and proceeded to name all the characters from Peter Pan pictured on the box. I had her lay down to change her, when she decided she needed a pad to lay on, so she disappeared again to find the changing pad. Finally she returned and was ready to get changed. What should have taken less than 2 minutes ended up taking around 10. Do you see why I don't have time to blog?

Of course, I need to address the fact that kids are not an interruption to my life. They are the job I'm called to perform right now and I'm not complaining about it. It just makes doing all those other things that interest me more difficult. I'm not begging for sympathy, just a little understanding when you check my blog day after day and never see a new post. That's all I want - a little understanding. And maybe a big cup of coffee, with a blueberry muffin and a good book to read . . . and the quiet time to read it . . . and a clean house . . . and a full-time maid . . . and a slimmer body . . .

. . . but you get the point.


Missy said...

Haha! I got the point. :-D That was hilarious. (Probably because I identified with it so well.)

girlie girl said...

Thanks for making my day!!! Have you been peeking in my windows? (that's illegal, you know), because you just conveyed what my heart cries out everyday! And I know we're not alone! Thanks for sharing!