Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Inspired by Sara, I tried to create pigtails out of Alli's wispy, fine, baby hair. Yes, I know they are small and I realize they only stayed in for about 5 minutes, but at least she has enough hair now that I can try!Sooner or later, sweetie-pie, there will be enough for me to make a girly-girl out of you!


Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Karen said...

Oh, so precious!

My make up is just about gone....what do I do?

Crazy Mom said...

Oh, that is SO cute!!! :)

sara said...

LOVE IT! They are so cute! We need glue or something to keep them in :)

Jenni said...

I found these small rubber ponytail holders at Walmart in various colors that Brooklyn is unable to pull out. You actually have to untwist them to get them out since they grab the hair enough to resist being pulled out. I love them! They are the only ones that work!

Gretchen said...

Hey, Nettie,

I know you have the book The Eaglet by John Elliff. Do you know who the publisher is?? The illustrator is coming to do story hour in my store here next week, and I want some copies on hand for her to sign. I can't find it anywhere!

Thanks! Can you reply ASAP?